Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Effectual Gratitude

This time of year is beautiful. The air turns crisp, crunchy leaves cover the ground in bright, happy colors and the smells of warmth and good food come from homes all over the neighborhood. As Thanksgiving draws closer, many are reminded that they have so much for which to be thankful. Many compile lists, or name the objects of their gratitude online. Some make it a matter of prayer, to thank the Lord for their blessings.

We are all truly given so much in life, whether we see and acknowledge it or not. At times of gratitude, we may ask ourselves how we can better show our appreciation for what we have been given. Many of us are fairly adept at using words to express our gratitude, whether in a note, in conversation, or in a simple “thank you”. But when it comes to showing it, we are sometimes at a bit of a loss.

Knowing that I should treat others the way I wish to be treated, I decided to turn this scenario around. When I give a gift, how do I want appreciation to be shown for it? Thanks are nice, yes, but more than that is the actual attention given to the gift: to take care of it, and to use it. If I give my friend a gift and she says “thank you” but never uses it, or lets it get ruined, her actions seem to contradict her words.

Let us be people of action, and not words alone.

Some of the greatest and most important gifts we are given in life are that of stewardship. The Lord trusts us with responsibilities that are large, and often daunting. He gives us lucrative careers, warm homes, spouses and children. He gives us talents and strengths. How can we show Him our gratitude? It is in the way that we treat these things.

Show gratitude for your job by doing it well. Show gratitude for your home by keeping it clean and in good repair. Show gratitude for the people in your life by treating them with kindness and respect. Show gratitude for your family by giving them the very best you have, and not whatever is left over after your job, religious and social obligations are met. Love the things you are given. Cherish them in practice. Couple your words of thanksgiving with true evidence of appreciation.

As we strive to express our gratitude, the meaning of the season will fill our souls with warmth and light.

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